The Doof Factor

Tuesday, 19 April 2005 | Comments (4) | Categories: Audio

Alpine 2-way Splits & Crossover

It's been hard for me to come to a decision on how far to go with a stereo install. Considering the last Silvia I had I ripped out the head unit and speakers and the GT-R only had a basic system run off the head unit, I thought it time to look at something a little more serious. After hearing a mate's (Angry13) system with 3-way splits for front stage and single 12" subwoofer - it was a direction I'd be happy to take for the minimal weight it's going to add.

So basically, using the Alpine 2-way splits that came from the GT-R, I'm adding to this an Alpine Type-R 12" Subwoofer (new) powered by an Audison SRx-3 Amplifier. The head unit is yet to be decided but will stay with the Alpine brand and be either a 6835 or 6855 unit. This should allow me to get a decent quality system, with minimal weight addition. The sub box will also be fashioned in such a way that I can easily unplug it and the amp, undo some latches and remove in one piece for track work.

Pics of the proposed components:
- Alpine 2-way Splits & Alpine 3729 2-way Passive Crossover
- Alpine 6019 Exponential Horn Tweeter
- Alpine 6058 5.25" Woofer
- Alpine 1241 12" Dual-voice Coil Subwoofer
- Audison SRx-3 Amplifier


Your Comments

Posted by | 20 April 2005 at 07:05 PM

With your subbox, you could utilise the rear right corner (near the taillight) to save space. Get a fibreglassed box made up, although because of the height of the S13 boot a 12” might have to be put on an angle to fit.


Posted by Brendan Underwood | 20 April 2005 at 08:21 PM

Yeah, not 100% sure where it will go at this point. Will be pointing across the boot for sure, but more than likely point back.

Posted by ahmad | 5 July 2011 at 11:58 PM

Hi,i’m from malaysia…where can i get the alpine 6019 exponential horn tweeter?tq

Posted by Brendan | 6 July 2011 at 02:24 AM

I would guess that considering it’s probably a speaker from the early 1990’s, the correct answer would “not many places” or “you can’t”. If you’re really after them, then maybe Yahoo Japan Auctions could be a good place to start.

Found this link to a Japanese page that covers the tweeter:

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