Back into it now…

Saturday, 6 May 2006 | Comments (0) | Categories: Engine, General

Well, I'm finally back into it. After a few weeks of not doing any work on the car due to renovations and having our new baby boy, I finally got back into the workshop. Today was pretty much a setup affair - find a free spot in the workshop where it won't need to be moved, clean up the workspace (ie. mop the floors, yeah I know, I'm anal), and put the car up on stands. I also gave her a quick wipe down to get rid of the dust and small bird droppings that had made their way onto the duco due to being moved in/out of the workshop. All I can say is she's looking sweet. I would love to show you the heap of photos I took, but looks like the memory card in my camera took a turn for the worst (cheap 1GB card from china that lasted 3mths = not a happy camper). Anyway, wiped her down, wiped the door jams out and the boot jam and gave the engine bay a good clean as it still had a lot of dust in it (it's black by the way, not red). All in all I'm pretty happy with the way it cleans up.

So what's next, well I'll be sending a few parts off the powder coaters while I have the chance so that cleaning will be much easier. This will include the front and rear subframe, some of other suspension components, possibly the gearbox, diff housing, diff rear cover and the yet to arrive genuine Trust Sump. While that stuff is off, I'll get down on floor trolley and give the underside a quick paint so it's all the one colour, including the inside wheel arches which copped a big does of overspray. I also need to do a clean out of the car and take inventory of what I will still be needing.

SR20DET Rocker Cover Coil Pack Cover Black Wrinkle

And so you didn't go without a picture, here's the coil pack cover after a coat of the now famous black wrinkle paint. Looks pretty good but will wait and see whether it stays once everything is together in the engine bay.


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