Category: Exterior

En Guard - Yey, they’re here!

Saturday, 30 April 2005 | Comments (0) | Categories: Exterior

M Sports/Wise Sports 50mm Wide Front Guard (Fibreglass)

Yay, woot, tops, gold. Front guards have arrived and now the build can move forward. Remembering that Cabin Autosalon is coming up very quickly. These are M Sports/Wise Sports 50mm Wide Guards and they're very nice indeed. I'll be dropping them down to the 'body guy' over the weekend as he lives about an hour away. Will try and grab some pics of the shell while there as the rear guards should already be on and moulded in.

A special thanks to Jeff at C-Red for getting these freighted in for us. Oh, and also to the top model in the photos - 'Woody', for holding the guards while I snapped away.

Pics of the guards (well one really):
- Quick Testfit on a shell - they're wide for sure
- Outside
- Inside
- Rear


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